contact lenses are more advanced than ever

contact lens exams and fittings in Grande Prairie

Aurora Eye Care has you covered

The world of contact lenses is ever-evolving, and new advancements are being made available with every passing year.

Aurora Eye Care is committed to helping you find unique contact lenses matched to your needs. Our team is happy to walk you through our comprehensive contact lens process and fit you with a pair that supports your clarity and comfort.

Discover how contact lenses can serve your vision. Book your appointment today with one of our optometrists.

add a little flexibility to your eyewear

contact lenses in Grande Prairie

Eye exams are the first step in our contact lens process. We’ll determine if contacts are right for you during the exam by assessing your eye health and looking for issues that may make contact lenses difficult to wear.

Contact lenses are a fantastic way to change up your regular eyewear. Give yourself various options without sacrificing the quality of your vision.

Don’t already have contacts? That’s okay! A contact lens exam and fitting with our team at Aurora Eye Care can help determine which contact lenses are right for you.

Book your appointment today!

total contact lens care

At Aurora Eye Care, we’ll help you find the most comfortable contacts with the clearest results.

When you purchase an annual supply of monthly contact lenses, you’ll get our Total Contact Lens Care Package which includes:

  • Free replacement of ripped or damaged lenses
  • Free exchange of un-opened contact lens boxes if your prescription changes over the term of the supply
  • Free sample lenses for emergency use (1 set) and 25% off non prescription sunglasses! ($20-200+value). Valid 30 days from purchase.
  • Option to add on 4 large bottles of solution for $20 (50% savings!) (Optifree, Clearcare or Biotrue)

contact lens brands

switch to contact lenses today with help from Aurora Eye Care

If you’re wondering if contact lenses are right for you, call our team today to book an appointment. We’re more than happy to help you find contacts that suit your vision and lifestyle.

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