vision training in Grande Prairie
What is vision training?
Vision training is a doctor-supervised program designed to improve the function of the visual system. It is a sequence of neurosensory and neuromuscular activities individually prescribed and monitored by a doctor to develop, rehabilitate, and enhance visual skills and processing.
Most people think perfect vision means you can see the 20/20 line on the chart. However, visual acuity is only one of over 17 different skills we use while reading, learning and in everyday life. Vision is a very complex process that involves eye teaming, eye tracking, accommodation and processing of visual information. Many adults and children have deficits in the visual skills that make life more difficult than it needs to be. These vision problems are commonly overlooked. At Aurora Eye Care we can assess and treat these visual skill deficits with vision training.
After participating in vision training, our patients typically demonstrate improved visual function, visual comfort, reading ability, attention and concentration, work and sport performance. Vision training improves our patient’s quality of life in many ways, including their confidence!