How Long Does Vision Therapy Take?

Just like a physiotherapist can help you improve your body’s mobility, a vision therapist can help improve how you use your eyes. Because each person is unique, a vision therapist can create a customized treatment plan to help you improve your hand-eye coordination, reaction time, ability to track objects, and more.

Each vision therapy program is personalized to your needs, so the length of time it takes varies from person to person.

Your vision therapist can set out an expected timeline for you to complete your program, but using your eyes to their best ability can be a lifelong learning experience.

What Is Vision Therapy?

Your vision therapist can create a vision therapy program to help improve the function of your visual system. Your eyes and brain are closely connected, so vision therapy programs often include ways to strengthen that relationship.

Vision therapy, by definition, is a sequence of neurosensory and neuromuscular activities that are prescribed and monitored by your eye doctor to help develop, rehabilitate, and enhance your visual skills and processing abilities.

Each program can incorporate:

  • Movement
  • Balance
  • Vestibular integration (balance exercise)
  • Auditory integration (hearing & seeing together)

Types of Vision Therapy Treatments

Different types of vision therapy treatments are used for different issues. They may also be paired together to create a comprehensive treatment plan unique to your needs.

Vivid Vision Computer Technology

Vivid Vision uses virtual reality to strengthen the connection between your eyes, helping them work together more effectively.


A form of phototherapy, Syntonics employs different pairs of coloured lenses. During treatment, the patient wears the lenses and looks at a special light, which signals the brain’s regulatory centres to balance out the nervous system. This then in turn balances out the visual system and can improve several vision conditions. This type of treatment can also be applied to reduce headaches, anxiety, sleeplessness and fatigue. 


Using red or translucent patches, you can help strengthen your nondominant eye, so it sees better. Your vision therapist can recommend the correct amount of time to wear an eye patch to help improve your visual skills.

Prisms & Lenses

Prisms may be added to glasses lenses to change the way light enters your eye, helping to correct vision problems. 

Balance Boards

Your eyes have a lot to do with your balance, which you need to move your body around safely and effectively. Using a balance board, which is essentially a wobbly platform you stand on, you will work on controlled movements of the body, which is the first step toward using your eyes effectively to move throughout the world.

How Long Does Vision Therapy Take?

Because everyone’s visual needs are unique, a vision therapy program won’t take the same amount of time from person to person. There are so many reasons to participate in vision therapy, and one person’s journey won’t ever be the same as someone else’s.

Some issues may take weeks to treat, while others may require months or years of therapy. The majority of patients spend between 4-6 months in vision therapy. 

What Can Vision Therapy Treat?

Adults and children alike can benefit from vision therapy to help improve the way they use their eyes. Vision therapy is a great way to help improve common issues with visual skills many people experience.


Also known as “lazy eye,” amblyopia occurs when one eye doesn’t see as well as the other. Amblyopia can benefit from vision therapy that helps the eyes work together, improving vision in the weaker eye.


Strabismus, also known as “crossed eyes,” can develop as a result of amblyopia, causing one eye to turn in, out, up, or down. This binocular vision issue benefits from vision therapy, which helps the eyes work together and strengthens their connection to the brain.

Reading Difficulties

It would be difficult to be great at reading if your eyes and your brain weren’t seeing the words on the page correctly. Vision therapy can help adults and children with their reading ability by strengthening the connection between the eyes and the brain.

Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury or concussion can have lasting effects on your body, including your eyes. If the connection between your brain and your eyes is disrupted, vision therapy can help restore the connection and strengthen their ability to work together.

Improved Sports Vision

Vision therapy can help improve how you use your eyes, increasing your reaction time, improving how you “keep your eye on the ball,” and your hand-eye coordination. Many athletes participate in vision therapy to help them be at the top of their game.

Whether you’re skiing Marmot Basin or Wapiti or hitting the tennis court, vision therapy can help sharpen your sports skills.

Benefits of Vision Therapy

There’s nothing better than watching someone improve their visual skills, which in turn can help them improve their overall life. 

Vision therapy has helped our patients:

  • Improve visual function
  • Increase visual comfort
  • Boost their reading ability
  • Achieve better attention & concentration
  • Build their work & sport performance
  • Feel confident!

Talk About Vision Therapy with Your Eye Doctor

Aurora Eye Care is your partner in eye care. Our calming practice is a comfortable space to work on your visual skills and improve your everyday life.

Each vision therapy program is completely tailored to your specific needs, or the needs of your children. Our team works diligently to help you reach your visual goals in engaging, fun, and effective ways.

If you think you may benefit from vision therapy, or if you feel like you’ve already “tried everything,” please give our team a call and schedule an appointment. We want to work with you to help improve your vision.

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